This storm calculator is specific to three different locations on Lake Michigan.
Green Bay, WI
Milwaukee, WI
Chicago, IL
- Surge height
- Bar chart comparison of surge heights
- Fetch or duration limited
- Wave speed at structure
- Power density at structure
- Storm direction (N, NE, E, SE)
- Duration of storm
- Wind speed 10 m above land
- Depth at structure prior to storm event
- Perpendicular storm events to coast
- Constant storm conditions for entire fetch
- Wind measured at 10 m on land, near coast
- Perfect storm events (no variations through duration)
- No conflicting wind if not in the storm direction
- Nothing impedes the storm
- Distance to structure insignificant to total fetch length
- Fetch or duration limited: JONSWAP
- Wave speed (C): if deep, intermediate, or shallow depth
- Length of waves (L): iteration method
- Surge height (∆ h): non-linear depth equation
- Power Density (P): at structure depth + surge height